“Ruling the sky has got some romance” – Fan interview with Kihiro (LOKA)!

In a few days, the Japanese rock band LOKA will be back to Europe! And LOKA is not LOKA without the very charismatic and talented singer Kihiro! If we know everything about his stage presence and his amazing voice,  we had some questions about his dreams, his memories on tour, and some  more topics! All the questions come from fans and street team members. Enjoy! 

  • What is the strangest dream you ever had?
    I was on a flying boat. That’s all I remember.
  • What is your favorite country in Europe and why?
    Hardest question… can’t really chose cause I’ve only been to the venues mostly and never had the chance to sight see lol. I do love Netherlands though, you know why lol.
  • Your favorite European band?
    One would be BRING ME THE HORIZON, I like their sound and lyrics.
  • What was the strangest thing that happened to you during your trips abroad?
    I have two friends who has the ability to “see” things.  Lately it feels natural but there are times I feel a “weight” on my back during a show. Each time I feel that, those friends tell me every time that K from PTP was on stage with me.
  • If you were an animal, what would you be ?
    I’d chose some kinda bird. Hawk is best. Ruling the sky has got some romance.
  • If tomorrow was the end of the world … what would you still want to do?
    PARTY!!!!!!!!! Get wasted like crazy with family and friends and probably not even notice the world ended lol.
  • Do you remember the “Loka Dance”? What do you think about it?
    Hell yeah I remember lol. OK, but we need at least 100 people doing that to make it official.
  • You are a girl for one day! What will you do?
    (considering that my brain is girl) I’d try having sex. I’d be really good at it the next day as a man I think lol.
  • If you could have one super power, which one and why?
    Instant transportation! If I can get away from all that long long flights and drives… awesome. Some ppl say the trip to the destination is the joy but for me… I think I had enough lol.
  • Your favorite festival/holidays?
    Ever since I became a professional musician, festivals and holidays mean “work day”. My day off comes more on the week day lol. I like the summer time the most though, lot of festivals in Japan with fireworks, bbq, and lot of alcohol.
  • One week off and a lot of cash – what are you gonna do?
    I’d try to go to the places I’ve toured and have fun there. Like I said, never really had the chance to explore the city so I’d dig deep as I can!
  • What be your special moment for you in life ?
    It occurs during the stage. It’s that moment you feel the whole atmosphere unites to one. The sound, crowd, air, every movement collides and unites. It’s like super synchrony.
  • What is your favorite quote ?
    Faith is something we need to endure when we are challenged.
  • What do you dislike the most ?
    People who lack responsibility.
  • Do you have any dream location you want to play as band at? It can be any existing venue or something more “exotic” (like the moon)!
    No one will be at the moon so thats no fun lol. I wanna get a GIANT BOAT like the TITANIC and pick up all the fans at every port of each country and go around the world.
  • What was the most wonderful compliment someone gave you and why?
    Whatever the word is, I feel great when my band member, crew and staff give me a compliment to my performance or a song I wrote. Simply gives me confidence to what I’m doing, cause give or take I am the singer and the man to take this band to a better journey. I want that for my team and our dream.
  • Fans probably ask you lots of questions but do you have any question you always wanted to ask your fans?
    What moments do you listen to LOKA? I also gotta admit that I am curious which lyric of the song you like.
  • Do you have any “guilty pleasure” songs ( = songs you like to listen to but it’s actually embarrassing to admit that you like these songs)?
    I listen to everything… so not really, but I have to admit there are couple of songs I really like from SMAP lol.

Wanna know more about LOKA and Kihiro? Join us on tour from November 16th to December 2nd:


2017.11.16 – Brussels / Belgium / ROCK CLASSIC
2017.11.18 – NANTES / France / ART TO PLAY
2017.11.19 – Paris / France / Alimentari (Alimentation Generale)
2017.11.23 – Lille / France / Bobble Café
2017.11.24 – Liege / Belgium / Le Garage
2017.11.25 – Amsterdam / Netherlands / Rockclub The Cave
2017.11.26 – Berlin / Germany / Marie Antoinette
2017.11.28 – Warsaw / Poland / Voodoo
2017.11.29 – Prague / Czech Republic / Chapeau rouge
2017.12.02 – Lyon / France / Japan Touch

Tickets / Info