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HIGHFeeL and its booking division, REALive is a music production company located in Belgium. Counting partners all around Europe and Japan, our small team works to bring Asian bands in…

HITT – Back to Europe

Japanese pianist and pop-rock singer HITT will be back soon! He'll perform on the main stage at the great Dutch festival AbunaiCon, in Veldhoven (NL) on August 25th, 2018, and…

X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus: new EP HELIX available here!

XMAS is coming early this year! X Made Alcoholic Santaclaus just released HELIX, a new EP - including 4 tracks -   both digitally and physically ! 2018年、3度目となるヨーロッパツアーのために書き下ろした4曲入りのマキシシングル。 Loud rockとRock'n Rollが融合したXMASらしい楽曲になっています。 Both…